Kimat RGB LED module Diffused Common Cathode 10mm Arduino Compatible accepts PWM or Digital signals

The RGB LED module is part of Layad Circuits’ Kimat
series of rapid prototyping products.


The RGB LED module is small compact module that
integrates an RGB LED with the necessary resistors and
breadboard/Arduino friendly pin headers. The diffused
RGB LED is able to display multiple colors using simple
digital output pins. PWM signals allow intensity control
of each color component and thereby producing even
more colors.


Usage of the module is straight forward. Connect each
color pin to a digital pin on the microcontroller. For a CA
board, connect the CA/CC pin to 5V. For CC variants,
connect this pin to GND. Turn each color on and off a
high or a low respectively. Generating PWM signals on
each color pin produces more colors.

Click on link to be directed to the user guide.

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